Abstract. The standard free energy for hydrolysis of the GTP analogue guanylyl-(a,b)-methylenediphosphonate (GMPCPP), which is -5.18 kcal in solution, was found to be -3.79 kcal in tubulin dimers, and only -0.90 kcal in tubulin subunits in microtubules. The near-zero change in standard free energy for GMPCPP hydrolysis in the microtubule indicates that the majority of the free energy potentially available from this reaction is stored in the microtubule lattice; this energy is available to do work, as in chromosome movement. The equilibrium constants described here were obtained from video microscopy measurements of the kinetics of assembly and disassembly of GMPCPP-microtubules and GMPCPmicrotubules. It was possible to study GMPCPPmicrotubules since GMPCPP is not hydrolyzed during assembly. Microtubules containing GMPCP were obtained by assembly of high concentrations of tubulin-GMPCP subunits, as well as by treating tubulin-GMPCPP-microtubules in sodium (but not potassium) Pipes buffer with glycerol, which reduced the halftime for GMPCPP hydrolysis from >10 h to ",,10 min. The rate for tubulin-GMPCPP and tubulin-GMPCP subunit dissociation from microtubule ends were found to be about 0.65 and 128 s -1, respectively. The much faster rate for tubulin-GMPCP subunit dissociation provides direct evidence that microtubule dynamics can be regulated by nucleotide triphosphate hydrolysis.T HE hallmark for energy-transducing systems such as myosin (Bagshaw and Trentham, 1973), ion-transporting ATPases (Taniguchi, and Post, 1975;Pickart and Jencks, 1984), the mitochondrial ATPase (Grubmeyer et al., 1982) and chloroplast coupling factor (Feldman and Sigman, 1982) is a near-zero free energy for hydrolysis of bound nucleotide triphosphate (NTP)L Negligible free energy is released during NTP hydrolysis since this is stored in the protein conformation until useful work can be done. We have used the hydrolyzable GTP analogue GMPCPP, which contains a methylene linkage between the alpha and beta phosphates, to determine the free energy for hydrolysis of microtubule-bound NTP. We found that the majority of this free energy is stored in the microtubule lattice, so that the standard free energy for hydrolysis is near zero. This stored energy can do work, as in the NTP-independent movement of chromosomes in a reaction coupled to microtubule disassembly (Koshland et al., 1988;Coue et al., 1991 bules parallels the behavior of several energy-transducing systems.In addition to these equilibrium studies, we have characterized the dynamics of microtubules formed with GMPCPP. The recent observation that this substance is not hydrolyzed in microtubules (Hyman et al., 1992) suggested its use in determining the role of the gamma phosphate moiety in microtubule dynamics. Our rationale was that if conditions could be found for forming microtubules containing GMPCP, it would be possible to determine the kinetic behavior of microtubules with a cognate pair of bound nucleotide tri-and diphosphates. Such a comparison was not possible with GTP analo...