The purpose of this study is to (evaluate) the effectiveness of neurofeedback training (NFT) and systematically search for the related factors by conducting a meta-analysis of theses and journal articles published in (the Korean language/Korea). This study analyzed 21 articles selected through a database search from 2001 to 2015. The quality evaluation result of the research, as research method characteristic, was low. It was found that, first, the effect size of the neurofeedback program training was .683 above the (median). Second, the effect size as the (moderator) variable played a statistically significant role in moderating the effect of the the subject characteristics, including the presence or not of disabilities and school level (elementary, junior high school, high school), on the effectiveness of the neurofeedback training program. Third, (the effect size) played a statistically significant role in mediating the effect of the research method (training method), number of sessions per week, total number of sessions and training time on the effectiveness of the neurofeedback training program. This study provides (comprehensive) data on the effect of the interventions and selection of the neuro-feedback training program subjects.