We consider the interplay of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of Virasoro type and moduli spaces of curves, suggested by string theory. We will see that the infinitesimal geometry of determinant bundles is governed by Virasoro symmetries. The Mumford forms are just invariants of these symmetries. The representations of Virasoro algebra define (twisted) ^-modules on moduli spaces; these ^-modules are equations on correlators in conformal field theory.
Q>IS> ois the ^0-Atiyah algebra.Clearly, both the Atiyah algebras and the do-algebras form categories, £# ~ -+@}tf, £^~ -»e£/^ are functors between them, and we have Lemma. These functors are inverse to each other.So the Atiyah algebras are the same as the do-algebras. We have & E = @^E. 1.1.4. Let si be an JR-Atiyah algebra.The connections of j/ form a Hom0 x (^,#) = Ω^®jR-torsor To give an integrable connection is the same as to give a morphism of Atiyah algebras £/ &x -*&/ [V corresponds to a morphism τ + /ι-» 7(τ) + f,τe^X 9 fεO x ~\ Or it is the same as to give a ^-action on R together with the isomorphism j/ ~ £Γ X ex R ( = the semi-direct product with respect to this action).A connection V defines the ^-derivative (that we will also denote V] of the graded algebra Ω' ® R, F(ω®r) = d(ω)®r + ω F(r), F(r)(τ) = [F(τ),r], where ωeΩ', ΓG.R, τe^, P^eΩ 1 ®^. We have P 2 (*)-Cp *.A connection on jtf E is the same as a usual connection on E.1.1.5. Standard Operations on Atiyah Algebras. These are the following ones.(i) Push forward φ^. Let j/ be an .R-Atiyah algebra, and R' an d^-algebra. Consider a pair φ = (φ^,φ R ) of ίP^-linear Lie algebra maps φ R :R Lίe -^R' Lie . Assume that ad^φ R = φ^\ R and φ^(d) (/) = ε(α) (/) for fE& x -^R'. Define the .R'-Atiyah algebra φ^(^) to be the semi-direct product R' x s$ modulo the relations (φ R (a\ 0) = (0, α), a e R. One has canonical d/ x -linear Lie algebras map sέ-^φ^ .(ii) Tfte product. If j/ f are Λ Γ Atiyah algebras we get an R γ x ^-Atiyah algebra j/ t x s$ ' 2 . Fx (iii) T/ie opposite algebra for an .R-Atiyah algebra j/ is the R°-Atiyah algebra j3/° such that ^o = (^t fi/ )°; here K 0 , (^^)° is JR,^ with reversed multiplication. Explicitly, j/° = s$ as a sheaf, [ , ]^0 = -[ ]^, ε^o = -ε^, and the left ίP structure for j/° is the right one for j/.