From its inception into the human rights discourse, the right to development (RTD) has been contentious. Nevertheless, as result of various activities including the adoption of the UN Declaration on it, the RTD is now “a fait accompli.” This article reflects on what should be done for its effective realization and sustainability. The article finds that at the national level, states should adopt constitutionalism characterized by separation of powers and respect for rule of law and adopt human centered development policies. At the international level, states should cooperate in adopting responsive development policies and ensure that these policies as well as the international environment at large are conducive to the realization of the RTD. Similarly, transnational companies should play their role. In these endeavors at the global level, given the reluctance of the global powers to the RTD, China should use its influence in the G8, G20, and the BRICS to persuade other powerful stakeholders to give effect to the RTD.