HCNH 2 I I ο HCOH I NITROGENOUS DERIVATIVES 377 An isomeric acetamide derivative has been prepared by the action of ammonia on aldehydo-ghicose pentaacetate; 45 lead tetraacetate oxidation shows that it has a furanose structure. Evidently, the ammonia combines with the aldehyde group and an acetyl group migrates to the amino group from the 4-position. Diacetamide derivatives may result 4 from the action of ammonia on the acetylated nitriles (Wohl degradation), a process in which a carbon atom is lost. These substances probably have open-chain structures. CN HCOAc JÜ!-> HC(NHAc), + NH 4 CN AcOCH AcOCH
I IAlthough the ring forms exist, many of the properties of the glycosylamines are better interpreted on the basis of the imine structure, and it seems probable that the two structures are in equilibrium. In contrast to the desoxy sugar amines, in which the amino group replaces the primary or secondary hydroxyls, the osimines are hydrolyzed by dilute acids and are reduced to 1-amino alcohols. 6 B. N-Glycosides. Schiff, in studying the reactions of amines with aldehydes, found that condensation products, the so-called Schiff bases, are formed.
R-CHO + R'-NH 2 -R-CH=N-R' (Schiff base)When the reaction first was applied to the sugars, amorphous products were obtained which were considered to have the Schiff base structure. Crystalline materials later were prepared 7 by heating glucose or fructose in an alcoholic solution of aniline. Sorokin believed these substances, frequently called sugar anilides, to have ring structures and to be analogous to the glycosides. It seems probable that the crystalline materials are N-glycosides but that in solution they are in equilibrium with the corresponding Schiff base and possibly with the anomeric (alpha-beta) and ring isomers.