Primary objective: To evaluate the effect of tip bevel angulation on phacoemulsification efficiency and chatter.
Research design:In vitro laboratory study.
Methods and procedures:Formalin-soaked porcine lenses were divided into 2 mm cubes. 0.9 mm straight 0, 15, 30, 45 beveled degree tips were used with micropulse ultrasound (6 ms on and 6 ms off ). Power was set at 100%, vacuum levels were set at 500 mmHg; and aspiration rates were set at 50 mL/min. Efficiency (time to lens removal) and chatter (number of lens fragment repulsions from the tip) were determined.
Main outcomes and results:Changing the bevel angulation on a straight 0.9 mm phacoemulsification tip had no significant effect on efficiency. A 45 degree bevel was the most efficient tip overall. Chatter was seen to be significantly higher with a 15 degree tip (ANOVA, P=.0046).
Conclusions:Tip bevel angulation has little effect on phacoemulsification efficiency and chatter, especially when optimized parameters are used. Limitations of this study include use of only one ultrasound power modulation and hard nuclear material.