As few Asilidae inventories of Rio de Janeiro areas have been published, there are many data gaps. This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of richness, abundance and distribution of this family in this State. From January 2013 to March 2014, insects were collected monthly using Malaise traps and every two months using entomological nets in the Reserva Biológica União (REBIO), and Estação Ecológica Estadual de Guaxindiba (EEEG). 682 specimens of Asilidae were collected in the present study, distributed in 31 genera and 51 species (20 identified and 31 unidentified), 527 of REBIO (in 19 genera and 38 species - 14 identified and 24 unidentified), and 155 specimens of EEEG (in 12 genera and 19 species - 6 identified and 13 unidentified). Leptogaster was the most abundant genus being L. tropica (Curran 1934) the most abundant species in the REBIO, with 268 specimens and Leptogaster sp., with 54 specimens, the most abundant in the EEEG. All records of genera and species in the present study are new in the REBIO and EEEG, wich contribute to the knowledge of the Asilidae geographic distribution and richness in the State of Rio de Janeiro.