The prevalence of upper tract infection / ARI in primary schools is 15% in 2019. Currently, upper respiratory infections cause most students to be absent from school compared to other disease factors. One of the most important causes of ARI is hand hygiene; therefore, washing hands using soap is the most critical effort to reduce ARI's prevalence in primary schools. This study aimed to determine the effect of the online video competition model on elementary school students to improve the ability to wash hands in 6 steps. The research design was an experimental control group. The number of research subjects was 30 students for the treatment group and 30 students for the untreated group. The length of the study is one month. The results showed that students who took part in online competitions experienced a significant increase in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards washing hands using soap. The research results on the intervention video competition as an educational medium about washing hands six steps compared to the control group. The video competition improves the ability to do handwashing in 6 steps, namely by doing, seeing, and listening.