In higher education, research has repeatedly demonstrated the efficacy of collaborative learning as an educational technique. Higher education can benefit from using collaborative learning as an educational technique since it can raise student engagement, improve learning outcomes, and prepare them for future collaborative work settings. Today's varied and dynamic learning environment may make it impractical for traditional lecture and tutorial formats to fulfill the demands of every student. Thus, this study looks into how well collaborative teaching works for bachelor's degree students in a strategic management course. Based on the interactive questions from the industry panel, the study will specifically look at how collaborative teaching approaches affect students' capacity to apply theoretical concepts to real-world circumstances. Open-ended questions served as the basis for the thematic analysis used in this qualitative study. For a collaborative teaching session on strategic management, an industry panel was invited to give a talk. 308 bachelor's degree candidates enrolled in a 13-class course on strategic management made up the study's sample. Twice a week, before the session (preliminary survey) and during the session (session survey), data were gathered. For data processing, NVIVO version 14 software is utilized. Three categories comprise the results of the study: (1) pre-session findings; (2) in-session findings; and (3) post-session results. Each group of phases offered a response to the primary goal of the study through the use of a set of questions that were given to students via a gamification platform.