OBJECTIVE: The organic ultraviolet UVB filter 2-ethylhexyl 4methoxycinnamate (EHMC) was encapsulated in microparticles (MPs) of sodium alginate and co-loaded with vitamin E (Vit.E) by an extrusion process using an aerodynamically assisted jetting (AAJ) methodology. The aim was to assess the effect of encapsulation concerning UVB filter release from the MPs and its photochemical stability. METHODS: The EHMC photostability was analysed by exposing the samples (both MPs in aqueous dispersion and incorporated in a cream preparation) during 1 h to simulated solar light. For the MPs (empty-MP, EHMC-MP and EHMC + Vit.E-MP), the morphology and size were characterized; while in the case of the encapsulated samples, the amount of EHMC-loading was determined. The release of EHMC was evaluated by adding EHMC-MP or EHMC + Vit.E-MP to 65% ethanol in water under mechanical stirring at 32°C. RESULTS: All MPs showed a homogeneous size distribution with a median of 90.5 AE 2.5 lm for EHMC-MP and 70.4 AE 1.14 lm for EHMC + Vit.E-MP. The encapsulation efficiency was 92.9% and 99.4% for EHMC-MP and EHMC + Vit.E-MP, respectively. The observed release from the MPs was lower than the dissolution of the pure UV filter. EHMC-MP and EHMC + Vit.E-MP were successfully incorporated into a cream formulation, with no evidence of phase separation or colour modification. Upon simulated light exposure, the photoisomerization/phototransformation of EHMC encapsulated in MPs and Vit.E-MP decreased as compared to free EHMC, both in aqueous dispersion and as a cream. The conformational ratio of the isomers (Z-/E-EHMC) was found to be the lowest in the presence of Vit.E.
CONCLUSION:This work demonstrates that use of these alginate microparticulate carriers could enhance the effectiveness of sunscreen preparations containing this UVB filter. R esum e OBJECTIF: Le filtre ultraviolet organique D'UVB 2-ethylhexyl 4methoxycinnamate (EHMC) a et e encapsul e dans des microparticules (MPs) d'alginate de sodium et co-charg e avec la vitamine E (Vit.E) par un processus d'extrusion utilisant une m ethode de jet assist e a erodynamique (AAJ). L'objectif etait d' evaluer l'effet de l'encapsulation concernant la lib eration du filtre UVB par les MPs et sa stabilit e photochimique. M ETHODES: La photostabilit e EHMC a et e analys ee en exposant les echantillons (les deux MPs en dispersion aqueuse et incorpor es dans une pr eparation de type cr eme) pendant 1 h a la lumi ere solaire simul ee. Pour les MPs (MP-vide, EHMC-MP et EHMC -Vit.E-MP), la morphologie et la taille ont et e caract eris ees; tandis que dans le cas des echantillons encapsul es, la quantit e de charge EHMC a et e d etermin ee. Le relargage de l'EHMC a et e evalu e en ajoutant EHMC-MP ou EHMC -Vit.E-MP a 65% d' ethanol dans l'eau sous agitation m ecanique a 32°C. R ESULTATS: Tous les MP ont montr e une distribution homog ene de taille avec une m ediane de 90,5 +-2,5 lm pour EHMC-MP et de 70,4 +-1,14 lm pour l'EHMC et Vit.E-MP. L'efficacit e de l'encapsulation etait de 92,9 % et 99,4 % pour EHMC-MP et ...