Sanada, Takahisa M. and Izumi Ohzawa. Encoding of threedimensional surface slant in cat visual areas 17 and 18. J Neurophysiol 95: 2768 -2786, 2006. First published January 4, 2006 doi:10.1152/jn.00955.2005. How are surface orientations of threedimensional objects and scenes represented in the visual system? We have examined an idea that these surface orientations are encoded by neurons with a variety of tilts in their binocular receptive field (RF) structure. To examine whether neurons in the early visual areas are capable of encoding surface orientations, we have recorded from single neurons extracellularly in areas 17 and 18 of the cat using standard electrophysiological methods. Binocular RF structures are obtained using a binocular version of the reverse correlation technique. About 30% of binocularly responsive neurons have RFs with statistically significant tilts from the frontoparallel plane. The degree of tilts is sufficient for representing the range of surface slants found in typical visual environments. For a subset of neurons having significant RF tilts, the degrees of tilt are correlated with the preferred spatial frequency difference between the two eyes, indicating that a modified disparity energy model can account for the selectivity, at least partially. However, not all cases could be explained by this model, suggesting that multiple mechanisms may be responsible. Therefore an alternative hypothesis is also examined, where the tilt is generated by pooling of multiple disparity detectors whose preferred disparities progressively shift over space. Although there is evidence for extensive spatial pooling, this hypothesis was not satisfactory either, in that the neurons with extensive pooling tended to prefer an untilted surface. Our results suggest that encoding of surface orientations may begin with the binocular neurons in the early visual cortex.
I N T R O D U C T I O NOne of the fundamental roles of the visual system is to reconstruct a three-dimensional (3D) model of the external world from a pair of two-dimensional images on the two retinae. Horizontal displacement of the eyes causes small differences between the retinal images. This difference of the retinal images is called binocular disparity and stereopsis is the process of determining depth from binocular disparity. Visual information processing for stereopsis begins in the primary visual cortex and neurons found in this area are known to encode binocular disparities of stimuli for a small area of visual field (Barlow et al. 1967;Ferster 1981; Wiesel 1962, 1968;LeVay and Voigt 1988;Nikara et al. 1968; Ohzawa and Freeman 1986a,b;Ohzawa et al. 1990Ohzawa et al. , 1996Ohzawa et al. , 1997.How does the processing of stereoscopic information proceed once binocular disparity for small localized areas is available? Is a possible next stage of processing that of detecting the rate of change of binocular disparity, i.e., detecting 3D orientations of surfaces in depth? Some recent studies have examined these possibilities and report that a sub...