ABSTRAKPenelitian sebelumnya mengaitkan empati dan self-efficacy dengan kemungkinan guru TK merespon situasi bullying. Akan tetapi belum ada penelitian yang mengaitkan empati dan self-efficacy dengan actual behaviour guru TK di dalam kelas. Maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat peran empati dan self-efficacy terhadap gaya pengaturan kelas guru TK dalam konteks unjustified aggression. Hal ini dipertimbangkan karena gaya pengaturan kelas kerap dikaitkan dengan perilaku konkrit yang diterapkan oleh guru di dalam kelas. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 124 guru TK dan preschool, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non-probability dan snowball sampling. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan regresi berganda (multiple regression) dan didapatkan bahwa tingkat empati dan self-efficacy guru TK memiliki peran signifikan terhadap gaya pengaturan kelas sebesar 17.5% (F = 14.045, p = 0.00 < 0.05). Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa tingkat empati dan self-efficacy guru TK dapat memprediksi bagaimana mereka mengelola kelas, yang terlihat dalam perilaku saat mereka menetapkan kontrol serta membangun interaksi dengan siswa. Analisis lebih lanjut dilakukan untuk melihat peran empati dan self-efficacy terhadap masing-masing dimensi dalam gaya pengaturan kelas, yaitu kontrol dan keterlibatan guru. Dari analisis tersebut ditemukan bahwa konstruk empati memiliki peran signifikan terhadap keterlibatan guru, sedangkan konstruk self-efficacy memiliki peran signifikan terhadap disiplin. Kata kunci: unjustified aggression, self-efficacy, empati, gaya pengaturan kelas ABSTRACT Previous research linked empathy and self-efficacy to the possibility of kindergarten teachers responding to bullying situations. However, there are no studies that relate empathy and self-efficacy with the actual kindergarten teacher behaviour in the classroom. Therefore this study was conducted to examine the role of empathy and self-efficacy towards the classroom management style of kindergarten teachers in the context of unjustified aggression. This is considered because the style of classroom management is often associated with concrete behaviour that is applied by the teacher in the classroom. Participants were 124 kindergarten and preschool teachers, the sampling technique was non-probability and snowball sampling. Data analysis was performed using multiple regression (multiple regression) and it was found that the level of empathy and self-efficacy of kindergarten teachers had a significant role in the style of classroom management by 17.5% (F = 14,045, p = 0.00 <0.05). This indicates that the level of empathy and self-efficacy of kindergarten teachers can predict how they manage the classroom, which is seen in behavior when they establish controls and build interactions with students. Further analysis was carried out to see the role of empathy and self-efficacy towards each dimension in the style of classroom management, namely teacher control and involvement. From the analysis it was found that the construct of empathy has a significant role on teach...