list of illustrations 1. "ESMA: Former Detention Space. " On the top floors of the Casino at ESMA, the former detention space seems especially connected to its profane past. © retrowelch 2022 7 2. "Memorial to Gerald McAuley. " In a Catholic community in Belfast, a memorial to Gerald McAuley, a victim of the Troubles, is open to the public. © retrowelch 2022 8 3. "The Bastille, a model by Palloy. " An original model (1790) of the Bastille made by Palloy with stone recovered from its ruins is on display at the Museum of the National Archives (Hôtel de Soubise) in Paris. Maquette de la Bastille réalisée à partir d'une pierre de la forteresse par Palloy* , 1790, Archives nationales, AE VI a 79. © retrowelch 2022 17 4. "Angela Davis Poster in Paris. " A vintage poster of Angela Davis decorates a café in Paris. The caption borrows from a quote in Davis's autobiography: "Walls turned sideways are bridges" (2016a: 347). © retrowelch 2022 23 5. "The Stonebreakers' Yard. " At the Kilmainham Gaol (the "Bastille of Ireland") in Dublin, a cross planted in the ground marks the spot where each Irish rebel was executed. The double doors, to the right, were opened to allow an ambulance to enter. The vehicle was transporting James Connolly, who was injured in the Rising. Unable to stand, he was shot while seated in a chair. © retrowelch 2022 35 6. "Peace Walls in Belfast. " Barriers separating the Loyalist/Unionist communities from their Republican/Nationalist counterparts stretch for miles with restricted access. © retrowelch 2022 39 x list of illustrations 7. "ESMA. " In Buenos Aries, ESMA was a major site for detention, torture, and extermination. Pictured is the Casino, where faces of the disappeared are arranged on the façade. © retrowelch 2022 50 8. "National Stadium. " The National Stadium in Santiago held thousands of detainees in the early phase of the Pinochet dictatorship. © retrowelch 2022 54 9. "Bathtub. " In Asunción, the bathtub (pileta) used for waterboarding is on display at a former detention site currently open to the public as the Museo de las Memorias. © retrowelch 2022 56 10. "Shopping Mall. " In Montevideo, the former prison Punta Carretas has been transformed into an upscale shopping mall. © retrowelch 2022 59 11. "Pied-du-Courant. " In Montreal, the former prison, Pied-du-Courant, has been transformed into an exhibition space named La Prison-des-Patriotes. © retrowelch 2022 69 12. "La Casa Cañas. " At Casa de José Domingo Cañas (Santiago, Chile), a mural featuring a vulture with a US flag is captioned: "La paz era una Paloma y alrededor los buitres oveja negra" (Peace was a dove and around the black sheep vultures). © retrowelch 2022 77 13. "The French Nuns. " Upon their detention at ESMA, Alice Domon and Leonie Duquet were photographed. Their images along with a concocted story about their involvement in a paramilitary group, Montoneros, was released to the press. © retrowelch 2022 91 14. "Plaza Padre Juan Alsina at Puente Bulnes. " In Santiago, Plaza Padre Juan Alsina at Puente Bulnes preserves the ...