DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.01.062
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The role of extracellular matrix composition in structure and function of bioengineered skeletal muscle

Abstract: One of the obstacles to the potential clinical utility of bioengineered skeletal muscle is its limited force generation capacity. Since engineered muscle, unlike most native muscle tissue, is composed of relatively short myofibers, we hypothesized that its force production and transmission would be profoundly influenced by cell-matrix interactions. To test this hypothesis, we systematically varied the matrix protein type (collagen I/fibrin/Matrigel) and concentration in engineered, hydrogelbased neonatal rat s… Show more

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Cited by 234 publications
(307 citation statements)
References 45 publications
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“…Parameters of a single twitch including amplitude (A t ), the time-to-peak twitch (TPT, from the onset of electrical stimulus to the time of peak twitch) and half relaxation time (RT 1/2 , from the time of peak twitch to 50% recovery) were derived from the force traces, as previously described. 24 The network was then stimulated every 5 min by a 1 s long pulse train with increasing frequency (5,10,20,40, and 60 Hz) until tetanus was reached. Parameters of tetanus including peak amplitude (A T ) and the tetanus-to-twitch ratio (TtR = A T /A t ) were calculated from the force traces.…”
Section: Isometric Contractile Force Measurementmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Parameters of a single twitch including amplitude (A t ), the time-to-peak twitch (TPT, from the onset of electrical stimulus to the time of peak twitch) and half relaxation time (RT 1/2 , from the time of peak twitch to 50% recovery) were derived from the force traces, as previously described. 24 The network was then stimulated every 5 min by a 1 s long pulse train with increasing frequency (5,10,20,40, and 60 Hz) until tetanus was reached. Parameters of tetanus including peak amplitude (A T ) and the tetanus-to-twitch ratio (TtR = A T /A t ) were calculated from the force traces.…”
Section: Isometric Contractile Force Measurementmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Finally, constrained gel compaction is the primary effector of cell and fiber alignment in threedimensional engineered tissues, and comparisons between aligned and isotropic ECTs show that alignment leads to increased twitch force. 16 All these factors associated with differential gel thickness can and will play into the contractile force measured for gel-based ECTs by any method [16][17][18][19][20][21][22] and need to be considered when interpreting the data.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…18 However, free-floating assays do not measure cell forces directly, instead rely on theory to relate the tissue compaction to cell forces. 19,20 In addition, while macrosized tissues 16 are easy to prepare and conducive to force measurement without a highly specialized equipment, they are low throughput, and screening many factors quickly becomes cumbersome and taxing on resources.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The bioactuator was shown to generate passive tension forces comparable to other demonstrations of tissue engineered skeletal muscle. [118,119] The passive tension force generated could be increased by imposing a static mechanical stretch stimulus during differentiation, and by the addition of biochemical factors, such as human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) to the differentiation medium. This was an important confirmation that the adaptive behavior inherent to natural biological systems could be mimicked in biohybrid systems cultured in vitro.…”
Section: Use Of Engineered Tissue As Biohybrid Machine Componentsmentioning
confidence: 99%