DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12022
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The role of FDIs in regional innovation: Evidence from the automotive industry in Western Slovakia

Abstract: Knowledge and innovation play an indisputable role in regional economic growth; however, given their increasingly complex nature, they can be hardly produced within a single region or company and external sources and flows of both knowledge and innovation are increasingly crucial. Foreign direct investments (FDIs) can be considered as one of the main channels influencing these flows and look especially important in the experience of Central and Eastern European regions, due to the limited local knowledge and i… Show more

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Cited by 19 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 44 publications
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“…The last paper in this second part of the Special Issue ("The role of FDIs in regional innovation: evidence from the automotive industry in Western Slovakia" by Miroslav Šipikal and Milan Buček) zooms on a mature industry, namely, the automotive sector, and offers qualitative evidence on the role of FDIs in driving the evolution of a chiefly imitative pattern of innovation towards a creative application one. Over the last decade, the automotive industry has in fact achieved steady growth rates in Slovakia (Šipikal and Buček 2013), mostly because of the entrance of foreign investors in the region, looking for a competitive and relative inexpensive skilled labour force. In particular, the region of Western Slovakia, where the case study has been carried out, benefitted the most from this inflow of MNCs' investments.…”
Section: Upgrading and Downgrading Dynamics In Territorial Patterns Omentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The last paper in this second part of the Special Issue ("The role of FDIs in regional innovation: evidence from the automotive industry in Western Slovakia" by Miroslav Šipikal and Milan Buček) zooms on a mature industry, namely, the automotive sector, and offers qualitative evidence on the role of FDIs in driving the evolution of a chiefly imitative pattern of innovation towards a creative application one. Over the last decade, the automotive industry has in fact achieved steady growth rates in Slovakia (Šipikal and Buček 2013), mostly because of the entrance of foreign investors in the region, looking for a competitive and relative inexpensive skilled labour force. In particular, the region of Western Slovakia, where the case study has been carried out, benefitted the most from this inflow of MNCs' investments.…”
Section: Upgrading and Downgrading Dynamics In Territorial Patterns Omentioning
confidence: 99%
“…181-200 arrival of the fourth carmaker JLR in Nitra is important for other suppliers, development of local SMEs, influx of new labour force but it may also cause high intensity of road traffic (Filčák et al, 2021). Today it is much more efficient to support domestic suppliers in the western part of Slovakia, because domestic firms are having problems achieving technological and knowledge linkages with and spillovers of foreign firms (Šipikal & Buček, 2013;Pavlínek, 2018). In contrast, the supply network in central and eastern Slovakia is scattered, except for the Košice and Prešov regions.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Az értékes ipari tevékenységek megszerzésének esélye a beszállítói hálózatokban is alacsony. A K+F-és innovációs tevékenységek korlátozottan megjelennek az "üzemcsarnokon belüli" folyamatinnovációban és inkrementális innovációban, de nem eredményezik a nyugatihoz hasonló nagy léptékű K+F-centrumok letelepülését, mivel a beruházók a vállalati központjaikhoz közel veszik igénybe ezeket a szolgáltatásokat (Pavlínek 2014;Pavlínek, Žižalová 2014;Šipikal, Buček 2013). A periferikus régiók ezen felül egy további dilemmával is szembesülnek: a felzárkóztató szemléletű, szociális célokat szolgáló területfejlesztés érdekei a minél szélesebb foglalkoztatás és a munkaerőpiaci integráció felé mutatnának, a globális verseny és a fenntarthatóság szempontjai viszont a szűkebb, de versenyképesebb ipari tevékenységek felé.…”
Section: A Külföldi Működő Tőkén Alapuló Fejlődési úT Határaiunclassified