The Kenyan Ministry of Health and its partners through the Division of Vector-Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases, is in charge of the Lymphatic Filariasis Mass Drug Administration programme. This is implemented through the national, county, and sub-county neglected tropical diseases coordinators. The current study sought to understand the roles, challenges faced and suggestions of how program performance can be improved by the community health extension workers, county and sub-county neglected tropical diseases coordinators. Two wards of the Kaloleni sub-county; Kilifi County were purposively selected. In 2015, Kaloleni and Kayafungo wards had a treatment coverage of 58% and 54% respectively; 62% and 39% respectively in 2016, all below the recommended minimum treatment coverage of 65%. Qualitative data was collected through sixteen in-depth interviews with community health extension workers and two semi-structured interviews with the county and sub-county neglected tropical diseases coordinators. Data were analysed by QSR NVIVO version 10 according to identified themes. The study results show the various roles in planning and implementation of the program include; supply chain management; health information education communication and records management; health workforce training and management, leadership and governance, and service delivery. Challenges faced included insufficiency of drugs supplied and information education communication materials, the inadequacy of community drug distributors selected and trained, poor facilitation for training and supervision of community drug distributors, limited duration of the mass drug administration, and delayed reporting due to poor network coverage. The results of this study show that the community health extension workers, county and sub-county neglected tropical diseases coordinators are not fully involved in program leadership and governance, a role that is taken up at the national level. They should be involved in all the stages of the mass drug administration program to create ownership to improve the program performance