The most prominent mechanism of molecular evolution is believed to have been duplication and divergence of genes. Proteins that belong to sequence-related groups in any one organism are candidates to have emerged from such a process and to share a common ancestor. Groups of proteins in Escherichia coli having sequence similarity are mostly composed of proteins with closely related function, but some groups comprise proteins with unrelated functions. In order to understand how function can change while sequences remain similar, we have examined some of these groups in detail. The enzymes analyzed in this work include representatives of amidotransferases, phosphotransferases, decarboxylases, and others. Most sequence-related groups contain enzymes that are in the same classes of Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers. We have concentrated on groups that are heterogeneous in that respect, and also on groups containing more than one enzyme of any pathway. We find that although the EC number may differ, the reaction chemistry of these sequence-related proteins is the same or very similar. Some of these families illustrate how diversification has taken place in evolution, using common features of either reaction chemistry or ligand specificity, or both, to create catalysts for different kinds of biochemical reactions. This information has relevance to the area of functional genomics in which the activities of gene products of unknown reading frames are attributed by analogy to the functions of sequence-related proteins of known function.Groups of sequence-related proteins of Escherichia coli have been assembled that seem likely to have arisen by duplication and divergence of genes in the ancestral genomes, some arising recently, some in early evolutionary times Riley 1995, 1999;Riley and Labedan 1997). Most of the groups are composed of proteins that all have the same reaction chemistry but differ by substrate specificity. Examples are groups of similar-sequence kinase enzymes that act on different substrates, groups of sequence-related acyltransferases that act on different substrates, sets of transcriptional regulators with similar reaction chemistry, and sets of transport proteins that use the same type of mechanism. These and other similar examples are likely to be instances of duplication in which the progeny proteins maintain the reaction chemistry performed, but change the identity of the specific substrate or ligand.However, there are a few examples of sets of sequencerelated enzymes within E. coli that one would not a priori expect to be related: those that seem to catalyze different reactions and those that occur within the same pathway. We collected such examples from among all sequence-related groups or paralogs (for definition, see Fitch 1970) in the E. coli genome (P. Liang, B. Labedan, and M. Riley, in prep.) to find out the biochemical basis of the observed sequence similarity. We found that in the pairs of proteins selected there are examples of (1) similar reaction chemistry but different substrate/ligand sp...