Psycholog cal status of employees and feel ngs of belong ng to the organ zat on have ga ned cons derable momentum w th n organ zat ons. In th s study the mpact of perce ved organ zat onal support on organ zat onal depress on and ded cat on s exam ned. To do that a quest onna re form cons st ng of four parts was appl ed to 237 part c pants that were reached by conven ence sampl ng method. All the f lled quest onna re was ncluded n the analys s. The demograph c nformat on form s n the f rst part, "Organ zat onal Depress on Scale" developed by Sezer (2011) s n the second part, "Perce ved Organ zat onal Support Scale-Short Form" developed by E senberger et al (1992) and adapted to Turk sh by Öztürk and Eryeş l (2016) s n the th rd part, "Job Engagement Scale" developed by R ch et al (2010) and adapted to Turk sh by Kurtpınar (2011) s n the fourth part of the quest onna re form. Conf rmatory factor analys s method w th n the scope of val d ty of the scales, tem analys s ( nter-tem correlat ons, Cronbach Alpha) method w th n the scope of the rel ab l ty were used. Based on the result, the percept on of organ zat onal support has a negat ve and s gn f cant effect on organ zat onal depress on, and a pos t ve and s gn f cant effect on organ zat onal ded cat on. Percept on of organ zat onal support, organ zat onal depress on and organ zat onal ded cat on levels do not s gn f cantly d ffer by gender, mar tal status and generat ons.