Fragment ion yields in the C 1s f Rydberg excitation region of CO 2 were measured in the 90°and 0°d irections relative to the electric vector of the linearly polarized light. The C 1s f ns (n ) 3, 4), npπ and npσ (n ) 3-7), and nd (n ) 3, 4) Rydberg transitions are clearly observed and show some vibrational structures. The dipole-forbidden C 1s(σ g ) f 3sσ g Rydberg transition is the strongest of all the Rydberg transitions, and the ion yield in the 90°direction is dominant. This indicates that the bending vibration is predominantly coupled with the 3sσ g Rydberg state and the intensity-lending dipole-allowed state is a very strong π* resonance, only 2 eV lower than the 3sσ g state. On the other hand, in the 4sσ g Rydberg state the vibronic coupling through the antisymmetric stretching mode is strongly observed in the 0°direction. This is probably because the 4sσ g state approaches another intensity-lending state with Σ u + symmetry and goes away from the π* resonance. The angle-resolved ion-yield technique is very powerful for elucidating the vibronic coupling mechanism.