Good soil physical characteristics are of great importance to the growth of patchouli plants. This study aims to examine soil conditions analyzed by soil physics in patchouli development areas in Aceh Barat Regency because it is one of the patchouli development areas in Aceh Province. The research method used is a descriptive method, namely through field surveys and laboratory analysis. In this study, we focused on two physical characteristics of soil, namely bulk density (BD) and soil porosity. Soil samples were taken purposively at 15 patchouli planting sites in three sub-districts in Aceh Barat, namely of Woyla Barat, Woyla Induk, and Sungai Mas, each representing a monoculture, multiple cropping and mixed garden system. Each site was given five points of soil samples at a depth of 0–30 cm using sample rings. The results of the analysis showed that, in general, the bulk density (BD) of the soil is included in the weight category with BD values ranging from 1.27–1.30 Mg/m3, while the porosity of the soil is classified as rather poor to rather good with values ranging from 48.46–50.77%. From the analysis of the data obtained, it shows that the entire patchouli development area in West Aceh has relatively homogeneous soil physics characteristics from the aspect of soil physics and soil constraints are found in poor conditions. Therefore, to improve soil quality, it is necessary to add ameliorant materials, especially types of organic amendments such as compost, biochar, manure, and other supporting factors.