After the initial observation that lipids form a considerable part of biological membranes, the details of the physical role of lipids in biological systems have emerged gradually. There have been few 'Eureka' moments in which a class or individual lipid has appeared as a game-changing physical player. However, evidence collected in the last five years suggests that that notion may be about to change. In chemical biology studies, inositides are increasingly showing themselves to be lipids that have a physical influence on membrane systems that is as strong as their biological (signalling) one. Additionally, recent evidence has shown that the concentration of at least one inositide changes during important stages of the cell cycle, and not in a manner consistent with its traditional signalling roles. The balance between these data is explored and a forward-looking view is proposed. The apparent ubiquity of these two inositides in mammalian systems has aroused research interest from several angles. There is a mounting body of evidence that it is not only mammals that make use of PIP2 as a signalling molecule, but also insects [9] and plants [10]. Several studies have suggested that PIP2 has a physical role that might be quite separate from its biological one. The particular processes in which PIP2 is a protagonist include membrane trafficking [11,12], vesicle formation [12,13], clatharin-mediated endocytosis [13,14], and in membrane dynamics [15]. There is also some indication that the activity of phospholipase Cγ, for which PIP2 is a substrate, may have a physical role in membrane fusion [16]. It also seems likely that PIP2 is a team player, acting with other lipids such that certain physical processes may be completed. A study of pollen tubes in Arabidopsis provided evidence that a particular balance between PIP2 and PI-4-P is required for endocytosis to be successful [17]. There have not yet been any comprehensive studies of the phase behaviour of PIP2, and thus, it is not yet clear whether it is typically a bilayer-forming lipid or one that has an energetic preference for a curved topology.Despite the paucity of phase behaviour data on PIP2, the phase behaviour of the physiological precursor to PIP2, PI-4-P, has been researched. Furse et al. reported that PI-4-P is able to induce an inverse hexagonal phase in the typically-lamellar PC, at 2 mol % [18], strongly suggesting that PI-4-P is not a