The Heckhausen and Kuhl (1985) goal typology provided the conceptual foundation for this research, which examined the independent and integrated effects of achievement orientation and goal setting approaches on trainees' self-regulatory activity. Using a complex computer-based simulation, the authors examined the effects of three training design factors cutting across these two theoretical domains -goal frame, goal content, and goal proximity -on the nature, focus, and quality of the self-regulatory activities of 524 trainees. Results revealed that all three factors had a significant influence on self-regulation, with goal content exhibiting the greatest influence. In line with expectations, congruent learning frame and content relative to congruent performance frame and content was beneficial for trainees' self-regulatory activity, incongruent combinations of goal frame and content were better than congruent performance frames and content, and effects for the incongruent combinations cutting across the domains were asymmetrical. Theoretical extensions for further disentangling these distinct domains and training design implications are discussed.
Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting
AbstractThe Heckhausen and Kuhl (1985) goal typology provided the conceptual foundation for this research, which examined the independent and integrated effects of achievement orientation and goal setting approaches on trainees' self-regulatory activity. Using a complex computerbased simulation, the authors examined the effects of three training design factors cutting across these two theoretical domains -goal frame, goal content, and goal proximity -on the nature, focus, and quality of the self-regulatory activities of 524 trainees. Results revealed that all three factors had a significant influence on self-regulation, with goal content exhibiting the greatest influence. In line with expectations, congruent learning frame and content relative to congruent performance frame and content was beneficial for trainees' self-regulatory activity, incongruent combinations of goal frame and content were better than congruent performance frames and content, and effects for the incongruent combinations cutting across the domains were asymmetrical. Theoretical extensions for further disentangling these distinct domains and training design implications are discussed.
Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting 3Disentangling Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting:
Effects on Self-Regulatory ProcessesOver the last decade or so, training research has examined a variety of interventions designed to influence the nature, focus, and quality of self-regulatory processes which, in turn, have been shown to have beneficial effects on trainee motivation, learning, and performance.As a result, this type of research has advanced understanding with respect to how to design effective interventions for training complex skills (Salas & Cannon-Bowers, 2001). One limitation of this work, however, is that it has drawn upon related but distinctly differ...