emotional resistance to stressful traumatic events 2, 3, 4 , etc., and also as a response to stress, the process of successfully adapting to emergency situations 5,6 etc., the ability to absorb their impact, restore and develop new adaptation resources 7, 8 etc. It should be noted that the study of the resilience approach, which is relevant in terms of psychosocial support in emergency situations 9 is gaining activity in the field of education, in particular in the context of psychological and pedagogical correction of traumatic and stressful conditions 10 , training teachers for the development of stress resistance of children 11 , the formation of resilience in conditions inclusive education 12 , 2 Felcyn-Koczewska M., Ogińska-Bulik N. Psychologiczne czynniki sprzyjające wystąpieniu potraumatycznego rozwoju u osób w żałobie, [w:] Zdrowie w cyklu życia człowieka / zа red.