Objectives: Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture is a quick and effective microsystem of acupuncture used for treating various symptoms for which the somatotopic area is the scalp. This article describes Parietal Acupoint Therapy (PAPT), which is another approach, using a different scalp somatotopy, and to evaluate PAPT's effect on neck/shoulder stiffness and related mood disturbances. Materials and Methods: Subjects: Forty-six volunteers suffering from chronic neck/shoulder stiffness with various symptoms (headache, dizziness, and related mood disturbance) participated in this study and were randomly divided into 2 groups: treatment (26 subjects) and control (20 subjects). Interventions: PAPT, PC points, and PL points were used. Outcome Measures: Immediately before and after treatment, to evaluate the patients' psychobiologic and mood states, salivary alpha amylase (sAA) levels were determined and the Profile of Mood States Second Edition (POMS 2)-Short Form scale was administered. Neck/shoulder stiffness was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS) score immediately before and after, and at 3 and 7 days post-therapy. Results: sAA levels were not significantly different in either group after versus before the intervention. There were significant decreases in mean scores in the POMS 2 subscales Anger/Hostility (P < 0.001), Confusion/Bewilderment (P < 0.001), Depression/Dejection (P < 0.01), Fatigue/Inertia (P < 0.001), Tension/Anxiety (P < 0.001), and Total Mood Disturbance (P < 0.001) post-therapy in the treatment group, but not in the control group. The mean VAS score significantly improved in the treatment group post-therapy, which persisted during the observation period. Conclusions: PAPT treatment on PC points ameliorated neck/shoulder stiffness and related mood disturbance. PAPT has the potential to be as effective as other scalp acupuncture types.