“…It is concluded that experiences in the university may hinder adaptation, good academic performance (Hussain et al, 2013;Ramírez et al, 2009;Shamsuddin et al, 2013;Wristen, 2013) and effect the mental health of the student (Baptista et al, 2012;Bitsika & Sharpley, 2012;Fang et al, 2010;Gonçalves et al, 2012;Osada et al, 2010). Conversely, social skills can promote mental health (Adlaf et al, 2001;Bolsoni-Silva & Loureiro, 2014;Bolsoni-Silva & Loureiro, 2015a), adaptation (Monteiro et al, 2008), academic performance (López-Bárcena et al, 2009) and remaining in the university. These skills can be taught and, with this, the effect on mental health and academic performance can be immediately minimized, which in turn can also have an influence on the lives of young people.…”