The aim of the article : to determine the relationship of the ratio taurine/alanine (Tau/Ala) serum indicators of heart rate variability (HRV) in patients with postinfarction cardiosclerosis (PICS) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM 2). Materials and methods: we examined 87 patients with PICS and DM 2 – 50 women and 37 men, median age of the patients was 65.2 years (microtile interval 61-69 years). Amino acids were determined and the ratio between them. According to the results of Holter ECG monitoring (of HMCG) evaluated HRV. Results: in patients with PICS compared with healthy individuals observed a significant decrease in the blood levels of Tau/Ala (at 51.01%, p<0.001). The presence of comorbid diabetes is accompanied by more significant decrease in Tau/Ala (for the accounting period 82.22%, p<0.001) compared to healthy individuals. Between Tau/Ala and SDNN, LF, TP, VLF power of communication has been high, between Tau/Ala and RMSSD, HF, pNN 50.%, ULF, – moderate strength. Conclusions: the lower values of Tau/Ala in the blood of patients Pxs diabetes compared with patients without disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, accompanied by a decrease in spectral and temporal parameters of HRV, but that does not mean a causal relationship, may be associated with pathogenetic mechanisms of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and requires further research.