Analysis of the out-of-phase modulated photocurrent (MPC) signal, the so-called Y signal, is proposed for determining the trapping-detrapping events, recombination processes and gap-state parameters in amorphous silicon. This is demonstrated by analysing experimental Y spectra obtained on this material from different laboratories including our own. Model simulations are also employed in which the amphoteric nature of the dangling bonds and their distribution according to the defect-pool model are taken into account. From the reconstruction of the Y signal, phase shift and MPC amplitude spectra, several contributions resolved from the frequency dependence of the experimental Y spectra are identified. Two electron trappingdetrapping processes are resolved. These are attributed to hydrogen-related positive defects and to transitions involving the D +/0 level of the normal dangling bonds from the defect-pool distribution. At lower frequencies a residual contribution is resolved that is attributed to a term related to recombination through the D +/0 and D 0/− levels. Between 300 and 150 K the above recombination contribution is essentially from the D 0/− and dominates the Y signal at lower frequencies. In this region a characteristic phase lead appears, which is attributed to the existence of safe hole traps in the valence band tail. Around 150 K, trapping-detrapping events in the conduction band tail dominate.