Jumping task is the central part of teaching that uses Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The revised 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia emphasizes learning using HOTS, and the daily life context. This research aimed to find out the characteristic of jumping tasks which valid, practical, and also useful for supporting secondary school students learning fractional operations using PMRI with the context of kain jumputan. The subject of this research was seventh-grade students of secondary school in Palembang. The research uses the method of design research with development studies type which had two stages: the preliminary and formative evaluation. This research only presented the result on self-evaluation, expert reviews and one-to-one, and small group phase. Data collection techniques using walkthrough, documentation, observation, and interviews. PMRI is used as material content and context for this research. Moreover, the Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC) is used in designing and implementing the learning process. The result of this research was produced mathematics problems about addition and subtraction fractional operations through the context of kain jumputan. This research is valid and practical jumping tasks on fractional operations using PMRI with the context of kain jumputan. Validity could be seen from the assessment of a validator (expert) regarding content, construct, and language used in the one-to-one phase. Practicality could be seen where the students could understand the language and the content of the questions that are in the jumping task. Thus, the context of kain jumputan can help students in representing problems by involving in mathematical expressions.