This systematic mapping literature aims to identify current research and directions for future studies in terms of combating cyber propaganda in the social media, which is used by both human effort and technological approaches (socio-technical) for mitigation. Out of 5176 retrieved articles, only 98 of them were selected for primary studies; classified based on research artifacts, mitigation effort, and the social media platforms involved in the research. The search was conducted using selected databases and applying selection criteria set for this research. Through the analysis, important research trends were identified based on human effort and technological approaches in mitigating and combating the cyber-propaganda issues. The authors also identified various mitigation socio-technical approaches such as identification, detection, image recognition, prediction, truth discovery and comprehension of rumours flow. The study also highlights areas for further improvements, to complement the performances of existing techniques. Besides, the study provides a brief review of cyber propaganda detection using classification techniques. Hence, it has set forth applicable research focus on the areas dealing with the mitigation of risk borne by cyber propaganda in the social media. INDEX TERMS Systematic mapping review, social media, cyber propaganda, mitigation, human effort, socio-technical approaches.