Aim:To understand how functional traits and evolutionary history shape the geographic distribution of plant life on Earth, we need to integrate high-quality and global-scale distribution data with functional and phylogenetic information. Largescale distribution data for plants are, however, often restricted to either certain taxonomic groups or geographic regions. Range maps only exist for a small subset of all plant species and digitally available point-occurrence information is biased both geographically and taxonomically. Floras and checklists represent an alternative, yet rarely used potential source of information. They contain highly curated information about the species composition of a clearly defined area, and together virtually cover the entire global land surface. Here, we report on our recent efforts to mobilize this information for macroecological and biogeographical analyses in the GIFT database, the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits.
Location: Global.
Taxon: Land plants (Embryophyta).Methods: GIFT integrates plant distributions from regional Floras and checklists with functional traits, phylogenetic information, and region-level geographic, environmental and socio-economic data. It contains information about the floristic status (native, endemic, alien and naturalized) and takes advantage of the wealth of trait information in the regional Floras, complemented by data from global trait databases.Results: GIFT 1.0 holds species lists for 2,893 regions across the whole globe including ~315,000 taxonomically standardized species names (i.e. c. 80% of all known land plant species) and ~3 million species-by-region occurrences. Based on a hierarchical and taxonomical derivation scheme, GIFT contains information for 83 functional traits and more than 2.3 million trait-by-species combinations and achieves unprecedented coverage in categorical traits such as woodiness (~233,000 spp.) or growth form (~213,000 spp.).
Main conclusions:Here, we present the structure, content and automated workflows of GIFT and a corresponding web-interface (http://gift.uni-goett as proof of concept for the feasibility and potential of mobilizing aggregated biodiversity data for global macroecological and biogeographical research.