Technetium / Citrate / Complexation / Solvent extraction / PHREEQCSummary. This paper presents the experimental determination of the stability constant for the citrate complexes with TcO(OH) + and TcO(OH) 2 0 at different ionic strengths (NaCl), using a solvent extraction method. Data show that the stability constants for the formation of TcO(OH)Cit 2− and TcO(OH) 2 Cit 3− are 10 7.5±0.2 and 10 2.8±0.2 , respectively, at zero ionic strength, with an average of 10 6.5±0.3 and 10 2.8±0.2 , respectively, in the 1.0-3.0 M ionic strength range. PHREEQC calculations based on these stability constants show that the TcO(OH)Cit 2− is the predominant species between pH 3 and 8 and that 50 mM citrate leads to a Tc(IV) solubility of 2 × 10 −5 M at pH 5.