ABSTRACT:The handling of vinyl polysiloxane (addition silicone) impression putties with latex gloves is said to interfere with the setting of these impression materials. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of handling techniques on the setting of vinyl polysiloxane impression putties using several types of gloves. The setting of these materials was evaluated by means of an elasticimeter. Four vinyl polysiloxane putty impression materials and five brands of gloves (one made of vinyl, one of synthetic rubber, and three of natural rubber) were studied. Based on the type of glove, they were previously washed or not, and a spatula was used or not for initial mixing (before handmixing). The vinyl, the synthetic and one of the natural rubber gloves did not require the previous washing procedure and/or the use of a spatula for initial mixing. Two other natural rubber gloves -depending on the silicone -, showed satisfactory results only when the initial mixing was performed with a spatula. It was concluded that setting inhibition depends on the kind of vinyl polysiloxane impression material and the kind of gloves used, but when the initial mixing was performed with the spatula this setting inhibition was overcome. The results of this study also showed that it is possible to associate cross-contamination control and satisfactory performance of addition silicone putty materials. When doubts arise from the compatibility between vinyl polysiloxane impression putties and gloves, the initial mixing should be performed with a spatula. DESCRIPTORS: Silicones; Elasticity; Control groups; Dental materials.
RESUMO:A finalidade da presente pesquisa foi avaliar a influência na elasticidade da manipulação de silicones de adição em consistência de massa, por meio de várias técnicas, empregando-se luvas. A polimerização dos materiais foi avaliada por meio de um elasticímetro. Ensaiaram-se quatro silicones, empregando cinco marcas de luvas (uma de vinil, uma de borracha sintética e três de borracha natural). Dependendo do tipo de luva, ela foi lavada ou não e ainda foi utilizada ou não uma espátula para a mistura inicial dos silicones. Os resultados demonstraram que no emprego das luvas de vinil, uma das de borracha sintética e uma das de borracha natural não precisaram ser lavadas, nem a utilização de espátula para a mistura inicial foi necessária. Duas luvas de borracha natural não conduziram a resultados satisfatórios com todos os silicones sem que a mistura inicial fosse feita com a espátula mas, com essa prática, todas as luvas foram compatíveis com todos os silicones. Pode-se concluir que, em caso de dúvida sobre a compatibilidade entre tipo de luva e marca de silicone, o emprego de espátula na mistura inicial contorna o problema.