Preface chemistry, genetics, geology, ecology, and many other bordering fields. Presenting a general background in each of these contributing fields is, of course, outside the objectives of this book, but in some fields, such as genetics and ecology, an explanation is given for those facets needed to understand the basic concepts pertinent to evolution. These brief explanations are included so that the non-specialist in these fields may gain a grasp of this inter-disciplinary information to achieve a cohesive philosophy of evolution. Such a philosophy of evolution, embracing the entire scope of the evolutionary process, starts with pre-stellar evolution and continues by logical steps to the evolution of biomes. Preface ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A book of this kind is in effect a distillation of information in the literature and the ideas from one's own research program extending over many years. It is therefore with deep thanks that I acknowledge reactions in the star may make different elements. Furthermore, stars may follow different evolutionary paths, each producing a different complement of elements during the life of the star. According to Fowler and the Burbidges, enough such element-making processes are known, or theoretically possible, to account for the formation of all the elements. From this they deduce that our sun, possessing all of the elements possible at its temperatures, is a third generation star. THE SOLAR SYSTEM The sun, composed chiefly of hydrogen and helium, is quite an ordinary star compared with others in the universe. Hoyle (1950) recognized that the earth and other planets of the solar system are "freaks" in the astronomical sense because they contain a high proportion of heavier elements such as iron and nickel. Many Index Abies, 190 magnifica, 259 Acanihiza, 167 Acetylene, 45 Acheta, 119, 186 Acquired characters, inheritance of, 2 Action of land bridges, 302 Adaptations, 114 directional factors, 151 stability in, 140 Adapted, 111 Adaptive change, 140 radiation, 221, 341 Adenine, 38, 39 Aedes, 161, 240 Aegilops speltoides, 202 African migratory locust, 128, 130 Age and area theory, 320 Alanine, 34, 45, 52 Alleles, 63, 82 AUocapnia, 247 pijgmaea, 173 sandersoni, 173 vivipara, 105 Allochronic speciation, 186 Allometry, 64 human, 64