The traditional focus of physiological and functional genomic research is on molecular processes that play out within a single body. In contrast, when social interactions occur, molecular and behavioral responses in interacting individuals can lead to physiological processes that are distributed across multiple individuals. In eusocial insect colonies, such multi-body processes are tightly integrated, involving social communication mechanisms that regulate the physiology of colony members. As a result, conserved physiological mechanisms, for example related to pheromone detection and neural signaling pathways, are deployed in novel contexts and regulate emergent colony traits during the evolutionary origin and elaboration of social complexity. Here we review conceptual frameworks for organismal and colony physiology, and highlight functional genomic, physiological, and behavioral research exploring how colony-level traits arise from physical and chemical interactions among nestmates. We highlight mechanistic work exploring how colony traits arise from physical and chemical interactions among physiologically-specialized nestmates of 1 various developmental stages. We consider similarities and differences between organismal and colony physiology, and make specific predictions based on a decentralized perspective on the function and evolution of colony traits. Integrated models of colony physiological function will be useful to address fundamental questions related to the evolution and ecology of collective behavior in natural systems.
Colony Organization = Social Anatomy + Social PhysiologyEusocial colonial insects, such as ants, termites, and honey bees, thrive across almost all terrestrial ecosystems 1,2 . The ecological success of these species rests in their use of colony traits, such as nest architecture 3,4 and collective foraging behavior 5-7 , which are functionally absent in solitary insects yet keenly developed in eusocial taxa. In the eusocial insects, division of labor (DOL) describes how nestmates vary in their form and function. DOL formalizes the extent of specialization among nestmates in the performance of tasks, usually with a physiological or morphological basis or arising from nestmate age (temporal polyethism) and experience [8][9][10][11] . We build off of the conceptual framework of Johnson & Linksvayer 12 that considers eusocial colony organization from the perspective of social anatomy & social physiology : Social anatomy is the notion that colonies are composed of specialized parts with limited roles, like the organs of an individual animal. Specialized colony anatomy allows for greater productivity and efficiency for the completion of many tasks.Physiological specialization exists at multiple levels within the colony. Queen-worker specialization allows for an increased reproductive output of queens alongside increased work output from workers, from the same diploid female genome 13 .Subspecialization among workers can manifest as permanent variation in body morphology 14 , temporal polyet...