A: A high time resolution Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) is proposed for the TOF system of SoLID experiment at Jefferson Lab. Efforts have being devoted to the research of a new MRPC structure, aiming at a time resolution of 20 ps. Two 32-gap MRPCs with 104 µm gap thickness have been developed for the initial test. By using the fast amplifier and waveform digitizer system, the performace of these MRPC detectors is studied using the cosmic rays. Time resolution of the order of 20 ps and efficiency around 95% are obtained. Detector simulations are simultaneously carried out for MRPCs with different structures. Meaningful results and future plans are discussed in detail.
K: Detector modelling and simulations II (electric fields, charge transport, multiplication and induction, pulse formation, electron emission, etc); Instrumentation and methods for time-offlight (TOF) spectroscopy; Resistive-plate chambers; Timing detectors 1Corresponding author.