A divertor magnetic configuration is proposed that significantly reduces heat load on the divertor plates in tokamak devices. The proposed configuration utilizes an additional cusp-like magnetic field generated by four poloidal coils for expanding the divertor channels. This not only allows a significant reduction of the heat load due to expansion of the divertor channels but also hardly affects the original magnetic configuration of the core plasma. These special features are useful for fusion reactor designs.Progress has been made in tokamak confinement research to such an extent that reactor design studies are now well advanced. Such studies, 1) however, have revealed some major issues that must be resolved in order to design tokamak reactors. For example, one issue is how to achieve reliable heat removal on a divertor plate. In the case of typical designs, e.g., the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), the peak heat load is expected to be more than 20 MW/m 2 with a half-width of the divertor channel being 0.05-0.1 m. The heat removal issue is common to magnetic confinement fusion devices. If the half-width of the divertor channel (magnetic field lines for the divertor) on the divertor plate becomes larger than 1 m, then the peak heat load is expected to be less than 1 MW/m 2 . This allows easier maintenance of the divertor system and it is the key requirement for magnetic confinement fusion reactor designs. Furthermore, as a result of the reduction of the heat load, the core plasma temperature can be raised and the operation region for the core plasma can be extended.Recently, some concepts for resolving the abovementioned issue have been proposed for both tokamak and stellarator approaches. 2-9) For ITER, a vertical target is adopted, which is located almost parallel to the divertor channel. Although the effective area for the heat load is increased by adopting the vertical target, there is a possibility that the merit of the vertical target is not fully demonstrated by the decrease of the effective area due to the plasma positional instability.Another proposed concept 7, 8) is a divertor configuration that guides the outward-flowing plasma particles and associated heat flux to a remote area with magnetic field strength, thereby allowing a large expansion of the divertor channel and hence a significant reduction of the heat load, which is a necessary requirement for reliable heat removal. This concept is similar to that of the bun- *