The next generation of network-centric applications will utilize a large number of computing and storage systems that are connected by global high speed networks. We refer to the environment t h a t provides transparent computing and communication services for large scale parallel and distributed applications as Metacomputing environment. In this paper, we p r e s e n t the design and the experimental results with the Adaptive Distributed Virtual Computing Environment (ADViCE) being developed at The University of Arizona and Syracuse University. The ADViCE provides an e cient w eb-based approach for developing, running, evaluating and visualizing large-scale parallel and distributed applications that utilize computing resources connected by local and/or wide area networks. ADViCE supports a transparent access to the development, computing and communication services that are o ered regardless whether the users are connected through xed or mobile networks. In addition, the ADViCE resources can also be connected through mobile as well as xed networks. The ADViCE architecture consists of two independent s e r v ers: Visualization and Editing Server (VES) and Control and Management S e r v er (CMS). These two servers provide all the services required in an e cient parallel and distributed programming environment. The ADViCE services include Application Editing Service, Application Visualization Service, Application Resource Service, Application Management Service, Application Control Service and Application Data Service. We also present the experimental results to evaluate the performance and e ectiveness of the the ADViCE prototype to provide three important functions: 1) Evaluation Tool: to analyze the the performance of parallel applications with di erent m a c hine and network con gurations 2) Problem-Solving Environment: to assist in the development o f large scale parallel and distributed applications, and 3) Application-Transparent Adaptivity: to allow parallel and distributed applications to run in a transparent manner when their clients and resources are xed or mobile.