The 'H, 1 9~, and I3c (HI nuclear magnetic resonance spectra at 300 K of 4-fluoro-and 3,5-difluorobenzyl fluoride, dissolved in CS,-C6DI2 and acetone-d,, are fully analyzed. Spin-spin coupling constants over four, five, and six formal bonds are used to derive expectation values of sin28 and sin2+ and the apparent twofold internal rotational potentials; +(8) is the angle by which the a C-F (C-H) bond twists out of the ring plane. The conformation of lowest energy has 4 = 0" for the 3,5-difluoro compound in the polar and nonpolar solutions, whereas it has 4 = 90" for the 4-fluoro derivative. The magnitudes of the potentials lie between 2 and 4 kJImol, that is, comparable to thermal energies. These data are compared with previous results for the parent compound and its 3,5-dichloro derivative. Geometry-optimized molecular orbital computations,