ABSTRACT. Let K C R2 be a finitely triangulated 2-disk; a map /: K -» R2 is called simpkxwise linear (SL) if ¡\c is affine linear for each (closed) 2-simplex a of K. Let E(K) = {orientation preserving SL embeddings K -► R2}, Eec(K) = {/ € E(K)\f(K) is strictly convex}, and let E(K) and ESC(K) denote their closures in the space of all SL maps K -» R2. A characterization of certain elements of E(K) is used to prove that Eac(K) has the homotopy type of S1 and to characterize those elements of E(K) which are in Eac(K), as well as to relate such maps to SL embeddings into the nonstandard plane.1. Introduction. In this paper we apply the methods of [B] to the study of simplexwise linear embeddings of a 2-disk in R2 with strictly convex image, and simplexwise linear maps which are the limits of such embeddings. third, if C(pi,... ,pn) denotes the configuration space of n points in the plane having the same order type as pi,... ,pn G R2 (see [GP]), then it can be seen that