We consider scattering theory for a pair of operators H 0 and H = H 0 + V on L 2 (M, m), where M is a Riemannian manifold, H 0 is a multiplication operator on M and V is a pseudodifferential operator of order −µ, µ > 1. We show that a time-dependent scattering theory can be constructed, and the scattering matrix is a pseudodifferential operator on each energy surface. Moreover, the principal symbol of the scattering matrix is given by a Born approximation type function. The main motivation of the study comes from applications to discrete Schrödigner operators, but it also applies to various differential operators with constant coefficients and short-range perturbations on Euclidean spaces.Let I be a compact interval and we assumeand p −1 0 (I) is compact. We now consider the scattering theory for the pair (H, H 0 ) on the energy interval I, i.e., we study the absolutely continuous spectrum of H on I. We denote the spectral projection of an operator A on J ⊂ R by E J (A). Then the wave operatorsexist and they are complete: Ran W I ± = E I (H)H ac (H). Moreover, the point spectrum σ(H) ∩ I is finite including the multiplicities (see Section 2).We write the energy surface of H 0 with an energy λ ∈ I byΣ λ is a regular submanifold in M , and we let m λ be the smooth density on Σ λ characterized as follows: m λ = i * m λ , wherem λ ∈ d−1 (M ) such thatm λ ∧ dp 0 = m, and i : Σ λ ֒→ M is the embedding. (Note m λ is uniquely determined whereasm λ is not.) The scattering operator is defined by S I = (W I + ) * W I − , H → H, and it commutes with H 0 . Hence S I is decomposed to a family of operators {S(λ)} λ∈I , where S(λ) is a unitary operator on L 2 (Σ λ , m λ ) for a.e. λ ∈ I. S(λ) is called the scattering matrix (see Section 5 for the detail). Our main result is the following: Theorem 1.