A radioimmunoassay was performed to determine the total amounts of the A, B, and E series prostaglandins (prostaglandins) in culture fluids of simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed mouse clonal macrophages, line 28-12, and its subline, 28-12(Ara). When the proportion of phagocytic cells in confluent 28-12 cell cultures increased, the prostaglandin levels in the culture fluids decreased. On the other hand, stably phagocytic 28-12(Ara) cells, which were derived from 28-12 cells and which had a reduced growth rate, did not release prostaglandins under the usual culture conditions; however, when they were treated with lipopolysaccharide or streptococcal preparation OK-432, large amounts of prostaglandins were released. In contrast, nonphagocytic cell populations in the cultures of 28-12 cells were not responsive to the drug treatment. These results suggest that there is a correlation between the phenotypic change from the nonphagocytic to the phagocytic state and a decrease in prostaglandin levels in culture fluids, and indicate that phagocytic cells are responsive to prostaglandin inducers, whereas nonphagocytic cells are not.