A scaling law is presented that provides a complete solution to the equations bounding the stability and rupture of thin films. The scaling law depends on the fundamental physicochemical properties of the film and interface to calculate bounds for the critical thickness and other key film thicknesses, the relevant waveforms associated with instability and rupture, and film lifetimes. Critical thicknesses calculated from the scaling law are shown to bound the values reported in the literature for numerous emulsion and foam films. The majority of critical thickness values are between 15 to 40% lower than the upper bound critical thickness provided by the scaling law.Keywords: thin films; stability; critical thickness; spontaneous rupture; scaling law.
INTRODUCTIONDespite decades of experimental (Ivanov et al., 1970;Traykov et al., 1977;Rao et al., 1982;Radoev et al., 1983;Manev et al., 1984;Kumar et al., 2002) and theoretical (Vrij, 1966a;Sheludko, 1967;Ivanov et al., 1970;Radoev et al., 1983;Sharma and Ruckenstein, 1987) investigation into the stability and rupture of thin films, very little has been published on their scaling behaviour. Thin liquid films form between the dispersed phase in emulsions and foams and become unstable when long range van der Waals forces induce the growth of capillary waves on the film interfaces (Vrij, 1966a). Upon reaching a critical thickness, films either rupture or shift to a uniform thickness and form a black film (Manev et al., 1974). Vrij (1966a, b) derived limiting equations for the critical thickness under conditions where either the Plateau border pressure drop or disjoining pressure control film drainage. Many films drain under conditions that fit into the intermediate region where both pressure terms are significant and the limiting equations are not applicable. Vrij's unique theoretical approach forced the critical thickness predictions to lower values by applying a wave-averaged corrugation growth rate expression and by specifying the rupture thickness from the film drainage curve at the minimum lifetime. The lower critical thickness predictions were still much larger than the experimental values on aniline and aqueous foam films. In this case, the overprediction was exacerbated by application of Reynolds equation and unusually large Hamacker constants. Vrij used 7 Â 10 219 J for aniline and 10 219 J for aqueous films, when the non-retarded Hamacker constant predicted from Lifshitz theory is 6.5 Â 10 220 J and 3.6 Â 10 220 J, respectively (Coons et al., 2005b). Vrij also included an undefined parameter ( f), which was inexplicably set to 6.5 and 7 for the validation films. While application of Vrij's limiting equations has the advantage of being relatively simple, frequent discrepancy with experimental results reduce their overall appeal. Ivanov et al. (1970) applied the same corrugation growth rate expressions as Vrij, but based the critical condition upon the first waveform to reach the centre of the film. This rupture criterion increases the critical film thickness...