The CoVid-19 Pandemic with all the imposed rules and restrictions that varied from country to country and even within a country, or from region to region, has resulted in considerable changes for the employees. Furthermore, the armed conflict that has already started to have an effect, not only on those two countries that are in conflict, but also on the other countries. This is due to the fact that both Ukraine and Russia had very intensified economic relations. The shortage of raw materials, petrol, gas and other products delivered by these two countries can generate a greater and long lasting impact that even the pandemic has caused. More than ever, organizations have to build even much stronger relations and do their best to offer their employees a set of skills that in peace times are not needed. Teambuilding is a way by which the organization tries to increase the productivity of their employees and to strengthen the way different individuals, groups, departments interact in order to increase productivity and profitability of the company. Although during the pandemic most events were canceled due to the restrictions or being deployed online, but without having the same impact on the direct audience. We are going to analyze the types of teambuildings that can be used by different types of organizations and the potential outcome resulting after attending them.