Practical and theoretica l aspects of acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents al'e discussed . The synthesis of the indicators bromphtha lein magenta E and B (the ethyl and n-butyl esters of t etrabromopheno lph thale in ) an d of their t etraalkylammonium salts is descri bed. Qualitative and spectrophotometric data concern in g the color reactions of the indicators with primary, seconda ry, and t ertia ry a li phatic amines , s ubstituted guan idines, a nd other n itrogen bases in benz ene and other types of organic solvents are presen ted. An expla nati on off ered for the color phenom ena is also appli cable to ulfon ephthalcins and other indicators.Examples are given of the qu antitative m eas urement of the relative reactivity of bases with bromphthal ein magenta in benzene. Illust rations a re furnishe d of the app li cation of the ind icato rs to the quantitative estimation of acids and bases, to measu rem ents of the relative s trengt,h s of orga ni c acids, and to the differen tiation o f primary, secondary, and tertiary a liphatic a mines.During t he sp ectrophotometric inves t igations, it was necessar y to des ign new types of a bsorption cells s uitable fo r vo latile solvents a nd for th in laye rs of solu t ion. A desc ription of the e cells is given.