The structure of Ge films evaporated by several methods onto room temperature substrates of NaCl and films which have been ion implanted with 3 x 1015, 30 to 40 keV Ge74 has been investigated via a scanning electron diffraction instrument with electron energy filtering. The radial distribution functions of all fil-ms are very similar and exhibit strong correlation peaks a t 2.45, 4.00, and (4.85 f 0.075) A with coordinations of 4,12, and = 7, respectively. The remaining major peaks for higher r deviate substantially from the diamond cubic form of Ge. From the RDF analysis a density ratio ~o /~c r y s t of 0.86 to 0.95 is determined. Thermal anneal experiments showed that the films may be annealed to a density of -0.97 of crystalline density without crystallization. Amorphous films which have been ion implanted with the same energy and dose as the polycrystalline films show a considerable concentration of pores and voids of a maximum diameter of 100 A. The RDF, however, is identical to the as-deposited film with the exception of some changes in the correlation for r greater than 11 A.Die Struktur dunner Ge-Schichten, die auf verschiedene Arten auf NaC1-Triiger bei