Since diffuse intensity distributions calculated for the models with s = 1, where s is the number of layer units necessary to distinguish the stacking disorder, did not resemble the broad maxima observed in Fig. 1, the various models with s = 2 were calculated. The results for the model of Table 1 were in agreement with the observed diffuse maxima, as shown in Fig. 4.In the model of Table 1, the sequences such as Q1-P1-Q1, in which the second-neighbor layers are the same, do not occur, and Q1-P1-Q2 and Q1-P1-Q3 occur with the same probability and so on. The distance between the ordered Ti sites which belong respectively to the second-neighbor layers are shorterand so on. The calculated results excluded sequencesThis fact is reasonable with respect to the Coulomb interaction between Ti atoms and vacancies. The diffuse streaks have not yet been detected in X-ray photographs. The calculated intensities shown in Fig. 4 are the results of kinematical scattering theory. On the assumption that the geometry of the diffuse maxima is not affected by dynamical interactions, the model of Table 1 gives an explanation for the diffuse maxima observed. The designation Til.43S2-4H-Hx/~av/3a(SRO) is adopted for the structure discussed above, according to the notation system for polytypes and superstructures described previously (Onoda & Saeki, 1983 Abstract Tetrahedrally close packed (t.c.p.) metal or alloy crystal structure types are those in which the interstices are exclusively tetrahedral and the coordination types are restricted to a particular set of four, which are here called P, Q, R, and X, with fully triangulated coordination polyhedra and coordination numbers (CN) respectively 16, 15, 14, and 12. At least 20 of these are known.