OBJECTIVE :- To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices about contraception among women seeking induced abortion.
Material & Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted in Dept.of OBGY,GMCH, Aurangabad between the period October 2019 to March 2020 using predesigned pretested questionnaire in women seeking medical termination of pregnancy.
Observation:-Around 90% women were aware about contraception. Knowledge regarding tubectomy was more (77.66%) than other methods of contraception. Around 60% women were willing to use contraception and 70% women accepted contraception after counselling at the time of availing abortion services.
Conclusion: Overall awareness of contraception was about 90%. Overall acceptance of contraception was 70% and utilization of tubectomy, as a permanent method of contraception was high due to government initiatives and incentives . Fear of side effects of contraception was an important factor for contraception denial . Husband’s support in the choice of contraception plays an important role.