The recent precise measurement of the W -mass by the CDF II collaboration is indicative of new physics beyond the Standard Model. On the other hand, a resolution of the longstanding muon g − 2 anomaly also calls for additional dynamics. In this work, we accommodate the two aforementioned anomalies in an extension of the minimal Type-II seesaw model. That is, the minimal Type-II model is augmented with an additional doubly charged scalar and vector leptons. While a chirality-flip of the vector leptons can predict the observed value of muon g − 2, the value of the recently reported W -mass can also be simultaneously achieved through the oblique parameters of the model. In addition, we further show that the parameter region allowing for the simultaneous resolution of the two anomalies complies with the neutrino mass data, lepton flavour violation and electroweak vacuum stability up to the Planck scale.