W-band (95 GHz) pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements were carried out to determine quantitatively the first coordination shell of Mn 2 § with ADP and ATPTS. The intensity of the ENDOR effect was used for counting the number of equivalent phosphate oxygens and water ligands. Titration curves for determining the binding constant of Mn 2+. ADP were obtained using the intensity of the X-band EPR spectrum and the 3~p ENDOR effect. Both curves gave the same binding constant showing that phosphate ligand counting is plausible, provided that an appropriate reference is available. The comparison of the 3~p ENDOR effect of the I:1 ADP and ATPyS complexes shows that two phosphates are coordinated in both; while in ADP they ate equivalent, in ATPTS they are slightly different. The reference system for water ligand counting was Mn(H20)62 § in a HzO-D20 mixture. The results show a smaller error for the 2H ENDOR effect, compared to the ~H ENDOR effect. Unlike the 3lp ENDOR effect, the tH ENDOR effect dependence on [ADP] in the titration experiments showed that it is sensitive to variations in the zero-field splitting, which in turn alters the contributions of transitions other than the l-1/2) ~ [1/2). This results in a larger error in the determination of the number of water ligands.
I IntroductionA number of important enzymatic reactions require the presence of Mg 2+ and ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which act as activators. Mg z+, however, is a spectroscopically silent metal ion and therefore in many mechanistic studies of such enzymes it is substituted with Mn 2+, which is an excellent EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) probe [1]. Recent examples of such investigations by EPR spectroscopy and its variants are MnATP activator of nitrogenase Fe-protein [2] and pyruvate kinase [3]. Another example is F0-FIATP synthase, which catalyses the reversible synthesis of ATP from ADP (adenosine diphosphate) where the nucleotides comprise the substrate and the product [4][5][6]. A family of related enzymes are those involving the nucleotides GTP (guanosine triphosphate) and GDP (guanosine diphosphate). Examples are the protein Ras, which plays a central role asa molecular switch in cellular signal transduction [7], and the