“…3,4 SHERLOC combines microscopic images and spectral mapping (≤100 µm/mapping pixel) to generate a microscopic view of the spatial distribution and interaction between organics, minerals, and chemicals important to the assessment of potential biogenicity. This chemical and mineral map of the organic geochemistry of a target on Mars, when combined with results from other Perseverance instruments, such as Mastcam-Z, 5 planetary instrument for X-ray lithochemistry (PIXL), 3 and SuperCam, 6 will enable analysis of geological materials for both scientific research and determination of which samples to collect and cache for Mars sample return. 3,5,6 SuperCam is a combination laser-induced breakdown spectrometer (LIBS), reflectance spectrometer, and time-resolved luminescence and Raman spectrometer capable of stand-off measurements, with further details described in Wiens et al.…”